Monday 6 July 2009

CLG v The Company (2009)

Last week I was called back into the office. Even though I had been told that I wouldn't have to work my notice, the MD changed her mind and told me I had to come in, seeing as how they were paying me anyway. In response, I kicked up a bit of a fuss in my official redundancy meeting on Friday, and am now back at home, being paid for a month even though my notice period is only a week, with quite a few extras, and flowers and chocolates to boot. While I wouldn't recommend redundancy to anyone, if its going to happen, this has got to be the way to do it!
In other news, this morning I got a phone call inviting me to an interview for a job that ticks all the right boxes (pays enough, pupillage friendly, saves the world) so I'm now just swotting up on everything I can about the organisation and the job in preparation and allowing myself to hope that somehow I'm going to manage to find a new job before the money runs out.

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